- Exposição internacional de plantas ornamentais e flores,
- Milhares de orquídeas,
- Mostra de Paisagismo,
- Cenários com interatividade,
- Mercado de Flores e Plantas,
- Oficinas de Cultivo de Flores,
- Feira de Artesanato,
- Praça Gastronômica,
- Restaurante típico alemão,
- Concurso de rainha e princesas,
- Apresentação da Escola do Teatro Bolshoi do Brasil,
- 63º Congresso Nacional de Botânica,
- Mini Festa das Flores na APAE Joinville,
- Exposição de orquídeas e vestidos típicos alemães no Joinville Garten Shopping,
- Desfile Alegórico na Av. Rio Branco, no dia 11/11,
- Orquídeas campeãs,
- Parque de Diversões para as crianças,
- Palco Cultural com apresentações de circo, música, dança e teatro, diariamente, das 11 às 22 horas,
- Tarde dançante da Melhor Idade,
- 1º Concurso de Bicicletários Sustentáveis de Joinville,
- 3ª Corrida Festa das Flores de Joinville,
- 8º Café, Flor e Poesia (no orquidário dos alunos da Escola Municipal Hermann Müller),
- 3º Seminário Jardim Poético da Educação (na Livraria Midas, organizado pela Biblioteca Municipal),
- Concurso de Jardins e sua premiação (organizado pelo ITTRAN),
- Pesquisa de demanda turística,
- Festival Brasileiro de Hemerocallis,
- Visita guiada aos campos de cultivo de flores da cidade,
Então fica o convite para a próxima Festa das Flores.
Last Saturday, of course not forget our Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, they were visiting the 74th edition of the festival of flowers Joinville, where they met because the Joinville is considered the city of Flores. Besides the exhibition, there were several other attractions in local. As for example:
- International exhibition of ornamental plants and flowers,
- Thousands of orchids,
- Landscaping Show,
- Scenarios with interactivity,
- Market Flowers and Plants,
- Workshops Growing Flowers,
- Craft Fair,
- Gastronomic Square,
- Restaurant typical German
- Contest queen and princesses,
- Presentation of the Bolshoi Theatre School in Brazil
- 63 th National Congress of Botany,
- Mini Flower Festival in Joinville APAE,
- Exhibition of orchids and dressed in typical German Garten Shopping Joinville,
- Parade floats on Avenida Rio Branco, on 11/11,
- Orchids champions,
- Amusement Park for children
- Cultural Stage with performances of circus, music, dance and theater, daily, from 11 to 22 hours,
- Evening of dance Best Age,
- 1st Contest bicycle Sustainable Joinville,
- 3rd Race Festival of Flowers de Joinville,
- 8th Café, Flower & Poetry (in nursery students of City School Hermann Müller)
- 3rd Seminar Poetic Garden Education (Bookshop Midas, organized by the Municipal Library)
- Contest Gardens and their awards (organized by ITTRAN)
- Search tourist demand,
- Brazilian Festival of Hemerocallis,
- Guided tour to the crop fields of flowers in the city,
So is the invitation for the next Festival of Flowers.